The Magic Book
The Project
This project is about a person named Garnet who wanted to find a magic book. He wanted that book because it could make him to be a strongest man in the world. To get the books, he had to defeat his enemies that also wanted the book. The fist enemy that he met was a man called evil. The evil was given a mission by somebody to kill Garnet. Garnet fought with the evil and Garnet won the fight. After the war was finished, he met his old friend called Steven. Steven also wanted to find the magic book. So they decided to find the book together. In their way to find the magic book, Garnet lost Steven. He searched him everywhere but Steven was not found. Until he met a guy called Satan that later became his second enemy. He said that he had killed Steven. Garnet was very sad and angry. So, Garnet decided to kill the Satan. They fought and made the Satan almost died. The Satan run away and left a book behind. When Garnet checked what book it was, he realized that it was the book that he had been searching for years. Garnet finally become the strongest person in the world.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I developed this game because I like adventure game which has challenges inside, and also I like to do game which have story inside. It is because I do not only want to play the game but also I want to know the story of the game.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe most difficult part when doing my project was in dubbing of voice the characters or players in the game. To overcome it, I recorded many times and predicted the duration of conversations perfectly until all the voices fit to the characters and video display. Dubbing the characters had been takin
Next time, I would...If I have more time, I want to make games that are easier to play but they have interesting stories. So, they can be played by kids or people that do not really want heavy games. It is because I have been tried to play many games and many times but I always lose my own games.
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