Move That Robot
The Project
Move that robot is a game about a robot trying to get out of a room. the player can program the robot by drag and dropping nodes to there places and running there program. The player will need to use some mathematics to get the robot out, each level will provide its own tips to help.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I made this project because i like math and people usually don't get a lot of uses out of learning math in school, this is one way to use what you've learn from school.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe one of the most difficult part of the project is the artwork. I'm not good at drawing so it was challenging for me to make the sprites. Also coding a project is much more difficult coding a small program.
Next time, I would...I would have change the UI a bit and maybe the tileset i used, also more add levels.
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