Do something drastic, cut the plastic!
The Project
My game is about the environment and having fun. My game is a recycling bin that has to collect litter like plastic bottles and cans which are falling down from above and every time you collect a recyclable item you earn a point and if you miss the item you lose a point. My game is created to raise the awareness of littering and how it impacts the world but also for people to have fun. I also used iteration to build my project for the plastic bottles and cans falling to the ground.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...My game is created to raise the awareness of littering and how it impacts the world and to also encourage recycling but also for people to have fun as everyone deserves to have fun from time to time.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outTo be honest, I found everything in the making of the project quite difficult as I wasn't so used to scratch but I started watching tutorials that were there on the scratch website and soon I got the hang of it and also added little things that I had learnt in my short experience of using scratch.
Next time, I would...If I had more time I would have added another background which said "GAME OVER" when the game ended and maybe like a creative and cool start button and background.
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