Spelling lava race
The Project
You spell the words that is spoken to to you as fast as you can to win the race but if the other person reaches the finish line first then you lose but if you, you will also lose if you touch the lava you also lose, if you have 2 points you can buy a special boost than makes you speed-walk. Also you can also choose the level you are comfortable with(Grade 1 as level 1 Grade 2 as level 2 and so on).
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose to make this project because I think writing is fun and because I wan’t everyone to spell the words correctly and have accuracy on speed and also because this game is fun and easy to play.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI found it a little bit difficult making my project but when there is a bug I ask my dad or my teacher so they can tell me the mistake I made so I would not do the mistake again.
Next time, I would...I would add more stuff in the shop and make more levels.
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