Aqua Lautus
The Project
Our app consists of introduction that gives our users a slight hint of our product. Next is the User Manual which explains how Aqua Lautus works, pictures are also provided for reference and even our contact details our provided. We try to make it better every day!
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We chose to make this project as we made Aqua Lautus that is a purifier which makes your drained washing machine's water drinkable. So, in order to support our invention and to make people understand the working of our project more easily we made this app.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outThe only thing that was onerous for us was to add certain parts of the app like dashboard as we had to do a lot of coding for that, we made it possible by watching tutorials and asking people who have already underwent it. But, at last we learned a lot of things and gained great experience!
Next time, we would...We have tried to include everything that would help our customers but the thing we will be adding soon is the direct purchase of Aqua lautus from our app as it will be handy for our users to acquire our product.
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