The Project
This is a game where I mix Monopoly and Jeopardy to make this game. When you click the dice, the player will move and will land on a box with a certain color. Each color has a different topic; Green - Math, Yellow - Science, Red - Languages, Blue - General Knowledge and Black/Purple - safe (no questions). The goal of this game is to have fun and enjoy playing with friends and test your knowledge. To win this game is to have the most points at the end of the game. To get points, you must answer the questions correctly to get points and there are 5 levels of questions; level 1 - very easy, level 2 - easy, level 3 - medium, level 4 - hard and level 5 - very hard. All questions are multiple choice questions and it only has 3 options which are a, b and c.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Since we have some options that have been recommended, I think that making a game would be fun and simple. I also want to make a game for myself which won’t make me bored but this is practice before I make a game that I will play when I am bored.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI haven’t used scratch in a long time so it is something new for me to do this on scratch. As time went by I got used to using scratch and also knowing that I can input comments. I had a problem with the turns so I did some research but it didn’t help much but in the end it gave me an idea to solve.
Next time, I would...I will do my best to finish the project until it has exceeded my expectations. I would also do my best to fix the problems that are in the project right now. I might as well try to make it with the background as the monopoly base rather than separate boxes, which is a lot harder and longer to make.
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