Phone Zombies

The Project

My project is about how a young boy is himself whilst reading a book, but switches to being a brainless zombie when using his phone.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I realised that our generation heavily relies on phones to carry out our daily routines, and although they do make things more convenient, they can be addictive and distracting from school and physical activities. This project shows the negative effects of phones, but in a more simplified way.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

When working on my project, I thought that if a sprite was clicked, that it would be easy for that to trigger a costume change in another sprite. But, it was actually quite hard, and I spent days trying different blocks until I could eventually find a solution.

Next time, I would...

If I had more time, I think I would have made my project more interesting and interactive by adding more elements such as a half-zombie, so that instead of morphing straight into a zombie from a boy, there is a transitional phase in between.

About the team

  • United Kingdom

Team members

  • Rhea