What Is Best For You To Watch
The Project
The purpose of the project is to help children (up to the age of 12) easily choose movies to watch. When you write the age, the code accepts it in "input", and accepts it according to what it is. If age is not "int", there will be an error. After that, the various questions are answered according to the interpretations that were at the beginning, and the code adds each of them to a separate "category" and adds "points" to the category. The category that has the most points at the end offers movies that suit it, and if all the categories are equal, then the user will be offered movies that combine several categories, and will suit his needs. The instructions for use are quite simple - enter the age, answer the various questions according to the interpretations, and immediately get a result. Thanks for your time and viewing!
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose to do this project, because I know the plight of children who spend hours looking for fun and entertaining movies that will suit them exactly, their needs and of course their age.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe project was deleted several times, mostly or partially, and I had great difficulty in recovering it. However, I learned a lot during the restoration and even renovated and fixed the project.
Next time, I would...If I had more time, I would add more genres, refine the calculation method... and of course, if I had more time, I could even think about other features.
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