Earth OS
The Project
My theme of the project is to "Save the Planet" - An Operating System to let kids know more about some of the United Nations Goals (including, Plastic Polution, Global Warming, Gender Equality and Education). Questions (Submission for Coolest Projects) 1) Tell us about your project, why did you choose to make it? My theme of the project is to "Save the Planet" When the astronauts heard about the apocalypse, they had to turn ON the Earth Operating System to save the Earth. I chose to make this project because I wanted to make a project to teach kids about the United Nations Goals and I learnt quite a lot too! 2) What did you find difficult and how did you work it out? Since it was my first time using cloud variables (For the high score in the Asteroid Mission game) I had to learn how to use them. I researched on Scratch Help and Wiki and got the hang of it. 3) Is there anything you would do differently or what would you add if you had more time? Yes, I would add more games/animations about the United Nations Goals.
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