The H2O
The Project
The H2O is a puzzle platformer where you play as an ice cube attempting to unveil the truth about your origin. You have control over your own temperature to change state and are able taking advantage of that to solve various puzzles.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I wanted to emphasize on the beauty of water to be able to change its state and what a big role it plays in our daily lives. I'm also interested in developing a never-seen-before mechanic and enhancing it further to see its potential.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe water state was a challenge to create. I had to think from scratch and adding rigid bodies with colliders and connecting them with a spring joint on the sprite ended up working perfectly.
Next time, I would...I would add more unique obstacles and puzzles for the player to solve with its ability to change state.
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