Road Crashers
The Project
My project is a fun, interactive game where the user has to control a car to avoid crashing into the obstacles on the road. The objective is to get the highest score possible before crashing.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose to make this project because I am taking my first computer science class in highschool. I got into coding recently and decided to make this project for the competition. Also, I am learning to drive this year and I thought it would be fun to make a game that had to do with driving a car
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI think the most difficult part was trouble-shooting and finding the small errors in my code that were causing problems. I was able to manage these problems by naming my variables and functions clearly and making sure to code little chunks at a time and building off of parts that I knew were working
Next time, I would...I think next time I would probably add a bigger selection of cars that the user can choose when playing the game. I was thinking I could use the coins that you collect in the game as currency to buy different cars. I would also get rid of some minor bugs to ensure my game runs smoothly.
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