Check Your Math Capability

The Project

This project is a Mathematics Quiz to help students from 1st to 6th graders learn Mathematics in the topics of Algebra, Fraction, Geometry, and Story-type Questions. The Algebra, Fraction, and Geometry questions are not from a pre-defined questions but rather they are randomly generated. However, the Story-type questions are from a provided-database (in csv format file). When the student has finished the quiz, the total score and a bar chart will be displayed to show the skill level of the student. This helps the student to know what their weaknesses are, and in which type of questions they should improve their skill on.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I made this project because I liked mathematics, so I wanted others to see that mathematics is fun and not frustrating. Therefore, I made this project for primary students to learn and improve their mathematics skills.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

Creating the functions for the algebra, geometry, story, and fraction questions was not hard. The challenging part was making it so that all of those functions can be combined into a single function without having any errors.

Next time, I would...

If I had more time, I would add more types of mathematics questions and increase the number of story questions in the database. Furthermore, I would also add more decorations to the project, so it does not look very plain and bland.

About the team

  • Indonesia

Team members

  • Darell Joaqim Triman