Endless Runner
The Project
This is an Endless Runner, a game genre in which the player character runs for an infinite amount of time while avoiding obstacles. Our Game Idea was based on The Google Dino Game, we used Python’s Free and Open source language library known as Pygame to make our game. In this game, the player must evade 2 types of obstacles. As the player dodges the obstacles by jumping, the score is counted. Each Run has 5 lives; a player can only hit 5 obstacles before the game ends.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We wanted to try to replicate a very popular game genre by ourselves. After learning python it was the perfect time for us to try it out.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWe had to tackle many concepts that were new to us such as classes and functions. We had performance issues and it was running slow as we lacked good systems.
Next time, we would...• Multiplayer Support • Multiple Characters • Customizations • High score storage • Different Levels • Variety of Enemies/Obstacles
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