An Smart Auto Shutter Controlling System For Intelligent Home Based On Database Analyzing and Mechanical Devices
The Project
My project is called An Smart Auto Shutter Controlling System For Intelligent home Based On Database Analyzing and Mechanical Devices. My project is a smart system used to control window shutter smartly. My project is based on hardware and electronics development direction, there are also some programming and software study including the project developing process. The three major part of my project are: Mobile app controlling Raspberry pi harware controlling Firebase database & storage
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Because there are many of solar energy is wasted through fixed, manually moving shutter in the US, this project is a try to conserve energy and form better living conditions to house owners.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe project has problems such as the button and sensor are hard to get a wonderful places to place, the efficiency of the winches and lines system in controlling the shutter lower than average level
Next time, I would...If it is allowed, I would make a protection case for the whole system which could make it working more stable and make it looks better.
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