Mind Game
The Project
Our attempt is to reduce the concentration of young children during their studies or any other activities. We want to increase their concentration. Nowadays, children are playing many games on their mobile phones, such as YouTube, social media, and games like PUBG, which are taking them away from physical activities. Children are not using their brainpower like before and are spending more time on their phones. Therefore, many children are unable to concentrate on one thing.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because..."Children should have entertainment and also spend some time learning, with this objective in mind, I am creating a mind game."
What we found difficult and how we worked it out"We are going to make a small ring with a star and put a twisted wire on both sides. Children have to make sure that the ring does not touch the wire until it reaches the other end. If they touch the wire, a red LED will light up and the buzzer will sound, indicating that they have lost."
Next time, we would...Nowadays, children are playing many games on their mobile phones, such as YouTube, social media, and games like PUBG, which are taking them away from physical activities. Children are not using their brainpower like before and are spending more time on their phones. Therefore, many children are unab
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