Stone Story
The Project
"The Stone Story The stone story starts from the mountain, where people will collect them by using special trucks to drill hole into the big rocks. And fill in the hole with the explosive to break big rocks into smaller pieces. These pieces were then transported to a factory, where they were ground into smoother tile piece form. The stone tiles is transported to a construction site, where it is used to build our homes. After all.. just like Claude Monet once said, Everything changes, even stone.. From the mountain, stone underwent a long process before they became a part of our home. But it's all worth it in the end because we get to live in a safe and comfortable space."
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Well, look around us, we are living with stone but we never know how complicated the process of it.. coming from a big rock in the mountain then transform into our home..
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI didn’t know where to start since this was my first animation. Making games were so much easier! After discussion with my mom, I decided to create the story board first. Then I started the coding based on it.
Next time, I would...I think I will elaborate each process more specific and details if I have more time. Yet, with this current project, I am very proud of myself.
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