NMCS: No More Coffee Spills!
The Project
This device is using the Vision AI camera to see if there is a cup after it listens to the brewing of the machine when making the coffee using the microphone from the Wio Terminal to make sure that you are making coffee and no false alarms. Then once it detects that it is brewing, it will check if there is any cup using grove vision ai module connected to the wio terminal. If there is no cup, the Wio Terminal will use its buzzer and beep to let the person know that they have to put a cup in the machine before it is too late. This project uses both audio classification and object detection models together to make very precise decision.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...This project was inspired by my dad because there are just some mornings when he just starts to make his coffee but completely forgets about the cup. So when he gets back to grab his coffee, he has his coffee but unfortunately, it is all over the counter. This device will prevent from any spills.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe project had some problems. I could not drag n drop .uf2 file on Mac, so I tried again on a Windows PC. I also had issue when tried to flash edge impulse object detection model which damaged vision ai module. I also faced memory issues on Wio Terminal when using sprite for better UI experience.
Next time, I would...I would spend some time to research on how to get the object detection model to work fully on Edge Impulse so that I won't have to go back and forth on different software’s. Not every time you make coffee will you stay in the kitchen, so along with buzzer, device should notify user via SMS.
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