Recycle the Right Way
The Project
This game will teach you the correct bin in which to put your trash. The aim of the game is to sort as many objects into their corresponding bin. You will have 60 seconds to do this. When an object appears on the screen, you'll have to click on the bin you think the object corresponds in. If you click on the correct bin, you will get one point. It will also take track of the objects you sort incorrectly. The brown bin is for leftover food, out-of-date food, and garden waste. The grey bin is for paper, cardboard, metals, plastic containers, glass bottles and jars. And the black bin is for any objects that can't be reused or recycled. Note: The bins in this app are from Aberdeen UK, they aren’t applicable anywhere else. App:
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose to make this project because I’ve seen many people not know where to put their trash and instead, they either put it in the incorrect bin or don’t dispose of it at all. I chose to teach this through a game as it allows you to have fun while you’re learning.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outWhat I found the most challenging was keeping track of people’s scores and displaying them in the app. With lots of trial and error, I eventually managed to figure out how to do it and now the app can display the highest score and the latest scores.
Next time, I would...If I had more time, I would like to translate the app into more languages and give the user the option to choose their language. I would also like to give the user the option to choose their country so they can sort the objects into the corresponding bins of their country.
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