Learning about Thunder
The Project
"My project is basically a story between a princess and a mermaid. A mermaid is given the power to live on land for 24 hours. The mermaid meets a princess after which it suddenly starts raining. The princess invites the mermaid to her castle till it stops raining. The mermaid asks the princess about the startling noise they heard and learns about thunder. The mermaid thanks the princess and goes back to the sea. Conclusion:- My story tells about thunder which many youngsters might not know. "
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...My younger sister was once startled by the thunder noise and asked me about it, so I explained it to her. A couple days later I got the opportunity to make a scratch project on any desired topic so I chose this incident.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe project was neither easy, nor difficult. The most difficult part was when I had to continously add chats or when they were running from the rain, changing the background after a certain period was difficult.
Next time, I would...I suppose I could have extended the story or made some minor changes because I had many ideas in my mind about it.
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