hex code generator
The Project
The project is a very helpful tool for mostly painting companies and people who want to know more about colors or want to open startups. This project has 3 stages it can detect a wrong hex code give the color by entering the hex code or by producing a random hex code for a random color, this can help people know more about different colors or give them ideas.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I choose to make this project because it is very unique and I thought it would help people to be more efficient in their work and also help rookies in this field to excel.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI did not find anything difficult about this project as I was already well versed with the concept, but nothing is perfect and there is always room for improvement and that automatically forces us to work better and improve ourselves.
Next time, I would...yes, I would like to add a few more features to this as I said previously that there is always room for improvement.
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