Multiplication Trainer
The Project
The purpose of this project is to solve the problem of kids struggling to learn their multiplication facts. According to a “Tips For Teaching Multiplication Facts” article, “Multiplication Facts. They are the backbone of so many skills beyond third grade, and yet, students continue to struggle with them well into 4th and 5th grade.” This proves that it is a problem that needs to be solved. The materials/tools used are computer, GitHub, Svelte, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, PHP, and the Linux Server. A solution for this problem was coding a web application called Multiplication Trainer to improve the person’s accuracy and speed. The user selects which facts they want to train on in the menu state and answers 50 questions in the playing state. The Multiplication Trainer shows the user's score and time in the finish state and saves their statistics to the server. To test the trainer’s effectiveness my brother will train this way for 2 weeks using the default fact settings and the same device so it is a fair test. Plus, to have a better idea of the trainer’s workability, I had myself train as one of the contestants as an addition to his experimental design. In the end, the author’s brother’s accuracy became more consistent and his time improved by 65%! And my speed improved by 50%! Based on the data, it is fair to say that the Multiplication Trainer is a success and improved people’s speed and accuracy by a significant amount.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...How I came up with this project is I saw my brother trying to learn his multiplication facts and struggling. Plus, I searched it up and it was a worldwide problem which is bad because multiplication are the basics of math. So I thought, what if I could speed up the learning process with technology?
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe most difficult part of making my project was the documentation. I worked it out by sticking with it and not giving up.
Next time, I would...Something I could have done differently is did all the core functionality first and then worried about CSS (style) instead of mixing it up and doing most of the core functionality first then writing CSS (style), and finishing the core functionality, causing me to work on CSS again.
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