Security Alarm System
The Project
The objective of the alram system will keep measuring the light coming from the leaser light using ldr sensor,and the arduino NANO will check for the intensity to decrease from its initial value indicating obstacle between laser light ldr.and when the situation arises,arduino will close the circuits for various buzzers.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...1.with the increasing number of robberies in india,the demand for using strong security which should be fast,reliable,secure
What I found difficult and how I worked it out1.the main difficulty was the leaser was not falowing will on the ldr sensor and because of the natural light light intencity it was not working well 2.after then we had fixed the place of the sensor in the correct place and ldr also
Next time, I would...may are may not because the 2 agend of the project is too keep it in cheap cost alwell as accurate the project is good enough working .
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