Saving the enviroment
The Project
This project shows how humanity can save the environment if they want by taking actions that reduce impact on natural resources and promote sustainibility.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I choose to make this project because I want to aware people about the sudden growth of global warming and I also want to make them know about the ways humanity can save the environment by putting the right kind of waste in the right kind of bin and not picking flowers from trees.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outIn the first steps of making this project, I knew very little about Scratch and had very little idea on the block codes . Eventually I understood how those codes worked by looking at some very easy projects by the Scratch team .
Next time, I would...If I had more time, I would have added a few more characters and would have set few more examples on how to protect the wildlife too as some animals are very endangered nowadays. All in all I would have been able to cover a more vast topic.
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