
The Project

Drawr is a r/Place clone. r/Place was a "social experiment" by Reddit that allowed users to draw on a public canvas where they could change 1 pixel every 5 minutes. I copied it and removed the time limit. Github: https://github.com/Elijah629/drawr Live URL: https://drawr.elijah629.repl.co Other Projects: https://elijah629.is-a.dev


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I liked the idea of r/Place but disliked the time limit. So I went to make a copy of it.

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

I am a terrible front-end developer. The UI was buggy in the beginning, but after I moved to Next.JS and Tailwind, my UI looked awesome!

Next time, I would...

Not really. I made the app before with raw HTML, JS, and CSS. Then I migrated to Next.JS, Tailwind, and React Typescript.

About the team

  • United States

Team members

  • Eli