Draw a Pose
The Project
Draw a Posel provides an interface in which sketching users can move joints of the stick figure and get the desirable human pose that can be useful when they paint or draw. Users can get the desirable image in less than 1 minute by using Artificial Intelligence tools. I designed a movable stick figure, and users can move the diverse joins on the figure to get their desirable images. The server analyzes the stick figure pose by calculating the angles of different parts of the body and compares the angles with the existing images in the database and returns the 3 most similar images to the user. Then the user can start drawing with the reference picture.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Drawing is one of my favorite hobbies, but many people like me do not have so much time to spend several years practicing the basic drawing skills, but they still want to paint the works in their mind. Therefore I wanted to design a program that can help people draw what’s in their mind.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe most challenging parts of the process is to make the program web-based. I did not know HTML before creating this program. I tried to make web pages while learning the use of HTML, JavaScript, and CSS programming languages, while refining and improving the original program.
Next time, I would...Currently there are about 130 pictures in the database, it’s not enough for this program in order to be useful for more users. And I also want to continue to improve the accuracy of searching and optimize the interface to make it more clear to users.
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