Greeting Caja
The Project
Greetings Caja, A touch based project which wishes and greets people in a new creative way which involves user to interact with it in order to get the greeting form it. Basically Greeting caja means Greeting Box - Caja is word derived form the spanish used to represent word. It has internal mechanical mechanism which consist of bunch greeting slips and system pushes it off when it detects any finger placed on it.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Usually, we used to greet a respective person by giving a greeting card by our own hands or by sending a text .I thought of doing it more creative and came up with this innovative project "Greeting Caja".
What I found difficult and how I worked it outyeah, designing the internal structure of this project is bit tricky because integrating the electronic components and making the internal mechanism by setting up the motor to rotate a particular angle to send the greeting out of the caja . I learned about the motor to rotate a particular angle.
Next time, I would...if I find time to do more ,I could have design the structure of Greeting Caja as a human and giving the outfit as a student of Coding Academy.
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