Circle of Command
The Project
The goal of the project is to help people have a more accessible home through the use of robotics. I first tried to do this via the use of an off the shelf robot arm as a proof of concept for this prototype, but it was found that a robotic arm was hard to produce and sell and that it might knock some things off the dining table. It might do the latter as it has to extend before it grabs and so there is always a chance of something being knocked over. And it is difficult to scale up or down as there will be a larger chance of knocking things over when scaled up and it may not have the reach necessary to grab something if scaled down. Due to that I changed to using a robotic Circle of Command that will have the same goal as the robotic arm, the robotic Circle of Command is a 3D printed lazy susan with robotic components like an audio to digital converter, a stepper motor, and a motor controller.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose to make this project as according to the CDC, 13.7% of adults in the United States have mobility issues, which is about 42 million people. This is why I decided to embark on this project to help them live a more independent life. This project is based on using robotics to create an arm that
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI found designing the 3D model for the Circle of Command difficult while making my project. I worked it out through the use of of Tinkercad, a website that allowed me to do 3D modeling, and learning how to make a 3D model of the Circle of Command.
Next time, I would...I would either try to fix the microphones or find an alternative to the microphones and try to implement that instead of the microphones.
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