Advance Zebra Crossing Using Arduino UNO
The Project
The purpose of this study is to design an Intelligent Zebra Crossing system using Arduino UNO. The main objective of the study is to manage and prioritize a smooth flow of the road users without causing any accidents at the zebra crossings, and to enforce the road rule to all those who have been vandalizing it. Smart crosswalks can be effectively combined with smart street lighting solutions and connected stoplights, increasing road safety while promoting the inclusion of people with eyesight and mobility impairments. In our project we have also combined the traffic lights with the Advanced Zebra Crossing So according to the red, yellow and green lights the barricade will operate and gives the best possible security. Traffic lights are used to control the vehicular movements in urban areas especially to avoid road accidents and intersection collision. Generally, Traffic lights consist of three colored lights which are red, green and amber.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...In the urban areas, the heavy road traffic makes the road crossing unsafe to the pedestrians. This project aims to avoid accidents happening in the pedestrian crossing of traffic signals. The pedestrian collisions occur due to the unethical behavior of the drivers skipping the signals. The proposed
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWe found some difficulties while making codes. We face problems while coding the servos and we also faced problems while synchronizing the traffic light with our main model. We conducted hit and trial to make our project work
Next time, we would...During morning, when there are few pedestrians on the road, the pedestrian crossing appears only when someone approaches it. Further, the crossing appears on the area of the road which the system has identified as the safest. On the other hand, during the busiest time of the day.
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