Japanese grass lizard eating sushi
The Project
This is a short animation I made with Scratch that anybody can enjoy. Press the green flag to start the animation.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I like to animate my favorite characters and items on Scratch. Let me introduce the main character of this animation. This character is an Japanese grass lizard (カナヘビ in Japanese) named "Kana". Kana often appears in my Scratch projects such as https://scratch.mit.edu/projects/778416246/.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe most challenging part of creating this project was making the animation look smooth. This project consists of only one sprite. But the sprite has hand-drawn 23 costumes.
Next time, I would...I would like to feature Kana's friends in this animation. And I would like to draw other types of sushi such as natto rolls or cucumber rolls because these are my favorite sushi toppings!
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