Sanatate Mentala
The Project
This app that I have coded is focusing on mental health. With the app, you can take a quiz on how you are feeling to see if you need to reach out and get help, a journal to record your feelings, motivational quotes to uplift you each day, and a tab to have you record things you are grateful for. It also translates to Russian because you have to know English and Russian to go to the ISS.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose to make this project because I was in a school team that had groups solve problems with 3d printing. Our theme this year was Life on the ISS, and so my team did research and found that on the ISS, astronauts can forget to keep up on their mental health. This app is a reminder for that.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI was new to coding apps in so I had to figure out how to do it. I got help from some of my classmates who were familiar with and they helped me a lot.
Next time, I would...If I had more time, I would have it translated into different languages, so people can access it worldwide.
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