Save the World through Garbage collection Drive
The Project
The project is about Saving the world through Garbage Collection. I want to make a game that my friends and family members can play and learn about the importance of cleaning garbage and SAVE OUR world.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...When I grow up I want to make sure no garbage is being thrown in incorrect places and ensure that the next few generations have safe future. This project is just for awareness of how hazardous garbage is to our world. That is why I also named my project - Save the World through Garbage collection.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI had to discuss and brainstorm multiple times on the flow of the story with my friends and my parents. After multiple discussions and reading many articles online, the story became clearer to me.
Next time, I would...At the end, I would like to add a factory which segregates the garbage that can be processed further and useful for our daily purpose (for e.g. recycled paper)
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