Toxic Britney Spears platformer
The Project
Use the arrow keys to move the player ( the cyan square). Go to the right of the level and it will take you to the next level. In the process, I put some confetti in. Credit to Song: Toxic, Artist : Britney Spears
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...Why I choose this project is because Toxic is one of my favourite songs. It energies me and makes me think of a lot of colour and shapes. Venture through this musical platform and get to the end. I hope my project WINs!
What I found difficult and how I worked it outFirstly, the jump for the objects was difficult because I wanted it to jump up and down smoothly. Secondly, the confetti that I wanted was also difficult because I wanted it to clone itself and make it go down and at the same time delete itself at the right time.
Next time, I would...If I have more time, I would add power up and enemies. This project is all about having fun. This project is artistic and creative. This project help me improve my coding skills.
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