Vector and the Haunted Forest
The Project
Complete objectives to navigate through the Haunted Forest and save Vector! This is a platformer adventure game that will have narrative features when finished.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We are learning how to make video games in class and wanted to make a platformer game set in a spooky forest. We like the art style on MakeCode Arcade and this fit our theme well. We enjoyed creating different sprites and other details.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWe found it difficult to stick to a plan for our game and got distracted by other features such as art design. We used a tutorial project as a base for our game (as much of the code would be similar) and are editing and adding to it to make it our own.
Next time, we would...We would have a clear plan and storyboard of our game before we start creating it. We are working on adding more levels and quests. We would like to add cutscenes and dialog throughout the game so that we can tell a story. We will add more sprites and objects to interact with.
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