Towkie Ball
The Project
Towkie Ball is a game to play with friends. It is based on reaction times. When the happy toy Towkie dog is overlapping the blue hoop, you need to press the space bar. You have 15 seconds to do this before time runs out! You are also competing against a CPU player, you need to try to score before the CPU does - each time they score you lose a life. It is inspired by the basketball game elimination. We wanted to be creative and include toy versions of some of our favourite pets.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We like basketball and made a game inspired by it to help people get into basketball, And for people who aren't the best at basketball get the idea of it. It was also a fun challenge for us to play quickly with friends in our free time.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outNone of us have ever made our own games before so knowing to code something without examples and instructions was difficult. We asked for help, tested things out and did some tutorial projects. It was hard to continue when some group members were absent.
Next time, we would...We would make our game 2 player instead of vs CPU. If we had more time we would make more levels with different basketball and sport inspired mini games. We would add difficulty level options.
About the team
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