My First Mobile App Using Thunkable X
The Project
Accenture Costa Rica | Coder Dojo. This project is about a personal mobile app created through Thunkable X that tells users about myself, it has 4 screens and menu navigation that can be used to switch between the screens.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...As part of the Coder Dojo lessons, we learned how to create easy and intuitive mobile apps so I decided to create this one for personal use and show to my friends and family a bit about who I am.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe process of building the app was simple. Perhaps, what I found most difficult was to add the information about me. In some sections, I didn't know quite well what to put, I felt like I didn't know myself completely. So, I had to think first about what things to assume about me. And during the pro
Next time, I would...I would have added more things or screens in the app, simply. I think that I quite like the app as it turned out. I wouldn't change that much in my current project and just keep it as is.
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