
The Project

SmoothBabble is a simple (160 lines server, 250 lines client) chat platform. It is used in the command line. It also has some basic spam protection - meaning if a message with the same content is sent multiple times it won't process them. I wrote it in node.js, and is crossplatform because of that.


Team Comments

I chose to make this project because...

I chose to make this project because I thought it would be a fun challenge, and to improve my node.js knowledge - which at the time was limited

What I found difficult and how I worked it out

I had a number of issues, such as me not knowing how to use return in functions, but eventually I worked it all out. Another issue was that the file containing the groups got wiped, but I just replaced it and it was all okay.

Next time, I would...

If I had more time, I would definitely use electron (essentially a webpage) as opposed to the terminal.

About the team

  • Ireland
  • CoderDojo

Team members

  • Ben