Comforting Sumo
The Project
Main Idea:- Comforting sumo is a semi-humanoid family member who loves his family a lot and does not expect anything in return. It can be used wisely to remove loneliness and family sickness from the world. The problem it solves:- These days, old people who live with their grandchildren and without their children face a lot of problems. This is commonly faced by residents of Asian countries because rationally people between 18-50 years usually go to different places for earning a better living and leave their children with their parents. At this time parents are usually old and have to take some or the other medicine which they usually don't remember. Here, Comforting Sumo comes into play. It reminds them at proper times when they have to take medicines just like their children in a human voice and offers them their medicines in a tray. It also gives them a glass of water which makes them believe that there is someone for them by providing mental support. It is also evident that these old people need to entertain their grandchildren. So for that, my project acts as a toy by randomly moving like a car and playing rhymes which entertains the children and occupies them in constructive work. By doing so the old people get time to rest and refresh themselves. Key features:- Human voice reminder, Medicine tray, Water motor, Educational Rhymes, and Roly Poly toy. Special Usage:- Comforting Sumo can also be used to treat COVID patients, as explained in the video. Impact on Nature:- The sumo which is fixed on the car is made up of 100 percent waste recycled material like wires, newspapers, etc.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I have seen old people facing heaps of problems in day-to-day life just because of being alone. They grow weaker and live a lonely life without a caring hand that can make them feel comfortable and secure. As there was no such solution till now, so I thought of making a project like this.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe most challenging part of the development of this project was to fit in alarm for medicine reminders as first, the voice had to be recorded and then converted into a series of numbers. Coding these numbers was also a long task.
Next time, I would...If I had more time I would like to fit in a voice assistant which I am working on. Through this, the people using it will be able to talk to the sumo and tell it about all their problems and the sumo will offer them a solution by empathizing with their situation.
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