The Project
Echo is a 100% 3D printed humanoid roobot, a robot built and designed to help children with disabilities to have have a friend which is always close to them, which can help them develop and be listened to at any time. This robot is based on a RASPBERRY PI 3B + ARDUINO UNO, RASPBERRY PI CAMERA V2.1, ARDUINO SERVO SHIELD, 13 DIGITAL SERVOS (180), BLUETOOTH MODULE and for audio an AMAZON speaker. With the help of the camera and the Raspberry pi I do detection of people and objects with TensorFlow and OpenCV ... the raspberry pi is in the robot's head who controls the body, with the help of bluetooth module it transmits encrypted data to the arduino so that the movement can be performed. The robot can recognize people and have a conversation with them. This conversation is based on artificial intelligence to predict what the person will respond to with the help of a google software called DialogFlow I created a chatbot that is understandable to children and has an easy language. The robot understands what is being said through the SpeechToText and TextToSpeech filter. Echo will be a "real man" sooner or later!
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