Cutie and Friends
The Project
Our game is a platformer that is suitable for ages. You play as a cat as you collect treasures and avoid obstacles on your way to completing each level.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We made this game for kids of all ages to have fun playing together and challenging their friends to see who can get the highest score!
What we found difficult and how we worked it outThis is the first game that any of us have ever made so we found it difficult to program the game to do what we wanted. We did lots of tutorials and asked our teacher for help. We lost the original version of our game and had to start again. Learning to create characters and backgrounds was hard.
Next time, we would...We want to add more detail to the characters and setting of our game. We would like to add more characters, including NPCs and enemies that you can interact with. We would like to add more levels with different themes that get more challenging as you go further.
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