Health app
The Project
This is a health app that has been made on MIT app inventor. It contains two things, water consumption and body mass index. In water consumption, user has to enter the number of glasses user drinks in a day. Number of glasses will be converted into liters user consumed in a day. In body mass index user has to enter his weight and height.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose this project because it was related to health and problems. Many people wanted to see their water consumption and their body mass index. These two were an essential thing for the neighborhood. This app could be a way you increase your water in take and decrease or increase your mass.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outIt was a challenging project and I really enjoyed creating it using the knowledge I gained so far.
Next time, I would...If I had time, I would like to add a category which is exercise. In exercise I would add breathing and meditation exercise that will help people to relax and be mindful.
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