Let's learn to recycle by Shriyanshi
The Project
Recycling and it is about how smartly we can convert plastic products which we throw in dustbin can be converted into useful home decor items like bird feeder,snow globe etc.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I made this project as it's today necessity which I tried to made via scratch project to spread awareness by recycling some of my households waste items like can,jars,milk cartons etc .Plastic pollution is very hazardous for our earth family.So ,I had choosen this as my program.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outDifficulties faced by me is how to add coding on written text and how to insert my pic in figure form but I resolved it by taking help of my father and just keep trying and finally I am able to overcome all my problems
Next time, I would...If I would get more time on this project then I can add more figures and some inspiring quotation related to recycling.
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