Boat Race
The Project
This game is created by a application called scratch. this game is really interesting to play. Do you wanna know how to play? * First click the green colour flag symbol to start the game * Handle your correct position to make the correct way to go *If once your boat hit the brown colour line then the race will start again from the first. so, it will make the game little tough *You should move the boat with your hand till the end.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...This will make the gamer tense to play. And I'm really interested to make scratch. Boat race is the project which I'm more interested to make and the idea which I taught.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outChoosing the backdrop was really tough. And fixing the the boundaries were little tough to make
Next time, I would...If I had more time to do then I'd add score. and also I'll add some difficulties for the players to play the game as much as tough
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