Ballerina P-roject
The Project
Here are the sequential steps to view the project: 1) Please press the space key for the introduction. 2) Please press the up-arrow key for the dance. The Project startswith selecting 3 same ballerinas & coloured their dresses, also added some instruments for a better look as well as some music. The project was mainly focused on depicting how ballerinas dance on a xylophone tune. This performance look live by changing the costumes of the ballerinas for 20 secs.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...The project was mainly focused on depicting how ballerinas dance on a xylophone tune. I made this performance look live by changing the costumes of the ballerinas for 20 secs.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outTo change steps in sequence
Next time, I would...--
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