Purple Punisher
The Project
This is a game I designed which is based off of a popular game named Space Invaders.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I've always liked the idea of the game, even if I'm not from the era in which it was introduced.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outI found the losing feature quite annoying to fix. I had an issue in which the exploding effect of the character would only work if the player lost by the planet being invaded 5 times OR if the player hit a purple block. Instead, I made both ways of losing trigger one variable.
Next time, I would...I would fix the issue at the start of the game, in which sometimes when launched, the character may be stuck or explode. This can be fixed by restarting which is a simple solution, but not ideal to have to repeat doing. I am not very experienced in Scratch at all, so I think I did an okay job.
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