The Project
Hangman is a game almost every child has played before. It is generally a 2 person game but could be played by any number of people. In this, one player thinks of a word and writes it in form of blanks, with the number of blanks being the number of letters. Then the guesser guesses the individual letters of the word. If the guess is correct, the letter will replace the blank making it easier to guess the word. If incorrect, the picture of the hangman would be drawn. The exception is that if a letter is being repeated in the word, the player who gives the word has to replace the blank with the letter as many times as it has been repeated. It has limited number of tries and becomes very intense in the last phase of the game. Hope you enjoy!
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I chose to make this project because this game increases the guesser's and the word giver's vocabulary. Increased vocabulary results in more difficult words and making the game more interesting. The enhanced vocabulary can also be applied in daily education.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe things I found difficult while making this project was cutting the picture into different parts and then programming it was a little difficult. But I overcame this difficulty by just cutting them using an editor and associating them with the wrong guesses .
Next time, I would...I would have made this a little more creative. I would have added a loading screen before the program started and would have had better interface overall. But still I am pretty happy with my creation.
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