The Infection
The Project
The project is about the Nurse who is located in the darkness of the pandemic, while being in the darkness about the future too, at the same time, she has to go through the labyrinth without getting infected and get to the green symbol. The enemies in this game are two viruses. If the virus manages to get the Nurse, the game ends. Going through the labyrinth, the Nurse can collect a mask, which will protect her from viruses.
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We chose to do this project, because no matter how many challenges this pandemic brought us, in the end, with sustained effort we were able to get through the difficult moments, and to overcome this pandemic.
What we found difficult and how we worked it outA challenge was to randomly generate the maze. The solution was found in a video tutorial (link:, based on the backtracking technique, and not on randomly selected background costumes from a predefined list.
Next time, we would...The game can be improved by adding the ability to register players, a timer, keep a score and increase the difficulty of completing the maze by increasing the number of viruses.
About the team
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