Life among dessert
The Project
My project is mostly about having fun and is quite creative if I say so myself. This project is about living a life between the barren dessert stretching out till where your vision can reach. Here you will find all kinds of things to battle like pumas, skeletons, scavengers and even a huge army of detector bots!
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I wanted to do something new and the thought of making a game felt really good in my mind. It was difficult, but if you can see my project then it looks like I made it through!
What I found difficult and how I worked it outIt was really difficult to make this game even though it was on sandbox. Making a game sure was much harder than I thought. I made 5 different test worlds spending 2 hours on each yet I didn't like any of them. However with the help of the almighty Google and YouTube, I managed it in the end.
Next time, I would...If only I had been allowed more time, I would have added more structures, mobs, improvements and maybe some detailed decorations too.
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