Shooting game
The Project
So this is a shooting game. In this game there are moving objects which you have to destroy by clicking on the sword. There are two waves in this and when you will win you can play that game again and again as much you want to play.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...So this was my first time using scratch. I was not making this game to win the competition I know there are lot of people participating in it and there are better games also I was doing this project for fun. It was a very interesting and exciting project.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outAs this was my first time using scratch there were lot of difficulties. First I didn't know how to use it so I did whatever I want and slowly slowly I understood to use it And when I was using It was once it got deleted and I have to make it again.
Next time, I would...No this was my best from my side and I am proud of my work. This experience was very nice for me and I don't need more time as my purpose was to create a short game. Do maybe it was my best.
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