The Circus Game
The Project
The aim of the game is to get to the end of the maze in time, however this is not your usual type of maze. The music in it is from well known circus movies and I actually coded all this music into the game. There is also an added element of a timer and a point system to give a little extra challenge to those who are interested.
Team Comments
I chose to make this project because...I wanted to create something fun and entertaining that combined two of my interests, music and gaming. I love playing the piano so I used the scratch music code to add the music into the game. I think people will enjoy this game as it is a well known concept with an added twist for entertainment.
What I found difficult and how I worked it outThe most difficult thing while making my project was definitely the maze and the mobility of the characters. I worked it out by taking frequent breaks between coding, to not burn out and by reviewing my code often to detect bugs so that I could easily fix them before carrying on.
Next time, I would...I would add different backgrounds to the mazes, because I am from India I could add backdrops from Indian circuses or other types of entertainment as that is what I grew up seeing . I could research into the history and perhaps code in some Indian circus music and even include other countries!
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