Catch the Apple
The Project
Our project is a Scratch based project , mainly made for kids of age 5-6 . It is simple as well as helps the child to increase his/her focus level . This project is child-friendly and also easy to play .
Team Comments
We chose to make this project because...We chose to make this project because we wanted to create something simple and at the same time entertaining as well . So we decided to create this " Catch the Apple " game using scratch and we are satisfied with what we have come up with . We also hope that kids of age 5-6 enjoy this game .
What we found difficult and how we worked it outWe felt difficult in selection of blocks in scratch , as this is our first project . We worked it out by seeing videos , on how to create a scratch project .
Next time, we would...As we don't have much knowledge about advance programming and coding , we decided to make a simple , fun project using scratch . If we had more time we would have spent some more time for gaining knowledge about programming/coding and then we would have tried doing something more creative like HTML.
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